The kitchen isn’t finished, but it’s finished enough to move in and start using, so that’s what we did over the holidays. Soon we’ll have to move all of our stuff back out from the counters to make room for the tile to be installed but for now we’re starting to get a feel for the new space. We’ve already luxuriously unfurled our mess onto the vast countertops.
We’ve been planning all along to install a grillework in that wall opening, but now that we’re actually living and cooking here it’s kind of nice having a window there so we’re going to take our time and perhaps explore different options. I’m currently leaning towards installing shutters so I can bang them open and shout killer one-liners into the living room like Florence from The Jeffersons.
I’ve never had a vent hood over the stove before and have very much been looking forward to no longer filling up our bedroom with food smells, but so far I keep forgetting to switch it on when I cook. It’s hard to learn new things in old age.