Ajuga, hosta, flagstone, goldfish grass. We’re getting somewhere.
Clowns have been all over the news lately and it reminded me of my favourite clown sighting. Perhaps it’s actually more of a skeleton sighting, but either way you have to admit this kid is amazing.
Meditating clown/skeleton kid, Kentucky Welcome Center, spring 2009.
My second favourite clown sighting happened last month at Dragon Con, when I overheard a man in the street yelling into a cellphone: “Aw shit! Aw SHIT! They got IT here man, they got IT here!” while around the corner, a clown with a balloon slipped off into the crowd.
omg yes
After stopping to take a photo on the way home from the studio, I walked the rest of the way with the phone in my hand and so, naturally, the phone took a bunch of accidental photos. Then I got a message from Google Maps asking me to add these 4 photos to the Victoria Tavern page. That’s not at all creepy.
Funny it didn’t also ask for these ones.
hank snow
I’m not sure where I picked up this wood type but these 8 pieces are all I have of this typeface. I only just noticed today that it’s enough to spell out HANK SNOW. I sort of feel like it’s my destiny to make prints about Hank now. If you’ve ever peeked inside my record collection you’ll know that’s just fine.
i have nothing interesting to say so let me show you what i bought
(cross posted from my studio weblog Levigator Press)
This weekend we closed the studio and drove up to Oshawa to pick up this gorgeous beast:
It’s a 6.5×10 Chandler & Price Pilot, fully refurbished, in beautiful condition, and ready to be put to work. It’s a perfect press for our tiny space, with the capability to handle large scale production while being user friendly and a fantastic learning press for our students and studio members. We can’t wait to fire it up and get printing.
frig off barb
I just started reading The Age of Innocence, which Peter signed out for me from the university library, where he is a librarian. Inside the book I found this list, in Peter’s writing, which has been hanging around in this library book since the last time it was signed out: by Peter, in 2007, right after our trip to Rock City (the photos of which the note is reminding him to post).
Me: hey here’s your reminder to blog about Kenny Rogers.
Peter: I. . . don’t think that’s what that says.
Here are my photos from Rock City, August 2007: ROCK CITY
Here are Peter’s: MORE ROCK CITY
I guess Edith Wharton isn’t all that popular around here.